Nov 26, 2015

Isadora Cuellar holder artist talk på loftet på Kysten fredag 27. november kl 12

Fredag 27. november kl 12 på loftet på Kysten inviterer vi til en spennende samtale med Isador Cuellar, og åpner for spørsmål og innspill underveis. Hun skal snakke om arbeidene sine i keramikk og grafikk. 
Det blir servert kaffe, te og kaker.
Presentasjonen vil bli holdt på engelsk. 
Hjertelig velkommen! 
Fredag 27. november kl 12 på loftet på Kysten

Isadora Cuellar info:

Isadora lives and works in Mexico City. She studied a Bachelor in Visual Arts at the National School of Visual Arts (ENAP-UNAM, Mexico) with specialization in sculpture and a Masters in Visual Arts at San Carlos Academy (ENAP-UNAM) with specialization in graphics
She has had nine solo exhibitions in museums and galleries in Mexico City and other states of the country. She has participated in over 35 collective exhibitions in Mexico and abroad. She received Grant for Young Creators 2011-2012 FONCA (Mexico).

Her work has won several awards, among them:

2nd place. Art 40, Mexico City, 2010.

1st place. Contemporary Ceramics "4th Tonallan National Ceramics 
Competition", Tonala, Jalisco, Mexico, 2009.

1st place. Sculpture "Fifth Biennial of Painting and Sculpture of the 
Southeast". Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico 2007.

She has participated in several artistic residencies among the most relevant: Artistic residency in ceramics with a final exhibition and lectures. Northern Clay Center, Minneapolis, USA, 2015.

Artistic residence and delivery of three workshops in Red Star Studios and

Belger Arts Center, Kansas City, MO, USA, 2013.

Artistic residence Gruber Foundation with Gerda Gruber. Cholul, Yucatán,

Mexico, 2010 and 2013.

Artistic Residency at Banff Centre. Banff, Alberta, Canada, 2006

For every internal structure of human beings is a changing structure, that has the ability to renew itself and has a close relationship with its environment; always with a reference and a connection to a larger structure, generating direct connections, which relate and feed each other in a continuous and infinite movement. With her work she seeks to promote reflection on particular aspects of the human-nature interaction, since witnessing and experiencing nature will lead to reconnect with ones spiritual nature, remembering that one is part of it, as one is part of a society.

This will be decisive in our influence for changes that will occur in the ecosystem, society and on yourself. 

Aug 11, 2015

Artists in residence July: Caroline Boileau and Stéphane Gilot

Caroline and Stéphane have made some very interesting work at Prima Ink during their residency. It has been very inspiring to have you here. 

Caroline Boileau
Montréal, Québec, Canada 

On drawing and the residency project at Prima Ink.
With watercolor, collage and drawing, I work on improbable bodies by imagining what transpires beneath the surface of the skin, what is trapped between the organs, what eats away at the frame and is ready to surface at any moment. I imagine bodies that burst out and overflow, where limbs and organs proliferate and unscrupulously appropriate those of other creatures from the animal or plant realms. Through the metamorphosis of these hybrid beings, I strive to re-enchant the world that surrounds me, a world that all too often leaves me at a loss for words.
During my residency at Prima Ink, I will be working on a series of lithographs and artist books printed on pages from pharmaceutical compendiums and medical textbooks found in the studio. I will also be working on a video project with Stéphane Gilot. This experimental video will follow a performance which began in an installation Stéphane produced in Havana, Cuba, to the waterfront and forest of Håkøy, Norway. 

Stéphane Gilot
Montréal, Québec, Canada

 On drawing and the residency project at Prima Ink.
Intimately linked to my architectural and performative installations, the practice of drawing (including cut-outs, collage, watercolor) allows me to assess various options for each project from preparatory sketches to final construction plans. The watercolor drawings also allow me to develop other thematic areas related to phenomena of vision (hallucinations, altered states of consciousness, dreams, urban expectations, etc.) or to theories or obsolete techniques (optogramme, spirit photography, for example), as well as mnemonic reconstructions (memory, déjà vu).
During a one-month residency at Prima Ink, I will work on a series of lithographs and watercolor, hybrid images combining views of the surrounding landscape with interior views of libraries and architectural spaces. During my time in Tromsø, I will also be working on a video project with Caroline Boileau. This experimental video will follow a performer (Boileau) in different spaces, from an installation I produced in Havana, Cuba to the waterfront and forest of Håkøy, Norway. 

Jun 2, 2015

Velkommen til utstillingsåpning Fredag 5. juni kl. 18.00. 

Grafikkutstillingen  Avtrykk- Uttrykk- Inntrykk

Vernissage:  5. juni kl. 18.00       
Alle er hjertelig velkommen
Fredag  5/6      18.00 -  21.00
Lørdag  6/6      12.00 -  17.00
Søndag 7/6      12.00 -  17.00

Avtrykk- Uttrykk- Inntrykk

Grafikkverkstedet ”Prima Ink” viser sine arbeider i en utstilling på Troms fylkeskultursenter (Kysten) helgen 5. til 7. juni.
”Prima Ink” er et arbeidsfellesskap hvor både profesjonelle kunstnere og amatører kan komme for å eksperimentere og uttrykke seg gjennom grafiske teknikker. Tromsø har her et lokalt, internasjonalt og kreativt miljø. Grafikk-verkstedet har også gjestende kunstnere (Artist in residens) fra forskjellige steder i verden. Det er  ekstra spennende å møte andre kunstnere fra ulike nasjoner, som kommer med nye tanker og erfaringer.

Nå er Hélène Latulippe fra Canada her. Ved siden av og skulle delta på denne utstillingen, arbeider hun også mot en større utstilling i Canada.


Agata Magdalena Sulikowska
Ann-Kristin Edvardsen
Christina Wegener
Hélène Latulippe
Ingir Bål
Linus Krantz
Silvia Eliana Martinez
Turid Ousland

Sted: Kysten,  Strandveien 95, 
9006 Tromsø 

May 24, 2015

For the first time Prima Ink is having artists in residency. In April Carole Canon visited us. She worked with photopolymer. Carole Canon is a french artist based in Brest, She has also lived in Tromso for a year and a half. Here is her website:

Hélène Latulippe from Montreal, Canada is visiting us in May. She is experimenting with all types of papers, and concepts. Website:

Jan 20, 2015

Ad infinitum (det uendelige og uavsluttede)

Hei alle sammen!

Jeg har vært en tur på Norske Grafikeres galleri og her er rapporten :)
Denne måneden er utstillingen laget av Åse Anda. Hun bruker teknikken silketrykk og i denne serien tar hun utgangspunkt i prinsippet: variasjonsmulighetene er uendelige. Gjennom mange kombinasjoner av kvadrater og farger undersøker hun variasjoner. Det vises også en bok med utgangspunkt i samme prinsipp og en animasjonsfilm med de ulike kombinasjonene av trykkene. Maria.

Jan 14, 2015

Natur inspirasjon

Vi er Januar og det er på tide å begynne å trykke igjen! 
Her er det noen kunstnere som liker å bruke blå og naturen som inspirasjon for sitt arbeid. Håper dere blir inspirert og lager noen fine trykk med den vakre naturen i Tromsø som motiv :) Maria 

     (Bilder er blitt tatt fra artistene sine nettsider/ the pictures have been taken from the artists webpages)

Jan 7, 2015

New from the last polyester plate lithographs and monotypes course

The Litho polyester  (or Pronto plate) plate is very interesting!!!
A Pronto or Smart plate mimics the surface of a lithographic stone. You can  draw on
either side of the plate using cheap Bic or Papermate ballpoint pens, sharpies and paint pens.
Or you can just run the plate through a laser printer!