Aug 11, 2015

Artists in residence July: Caroline Boileau and Stéphane Gilot

Caroline and Stéphane have made some very interesting work at Prima Ink during their residency. It has been very inspiring to have you here. 

Caroline Boileau
Montréal, Québec, Canada 

On drawing and the residency project at Prima Ink.
With watercolor, collage and drawing, I work on improbable bodies by imagining what transpires beneath the surface of the skin, what is trapped between the organs, what eats away at the frame and is ready to surface at any moment. I imagine bodies that burst out and overflow, where limbs and organs proliferate and unscrupulously appropriate those of other creatures from the animal or plant realms. Through the metamorphosis of these hybrid beings, I strive to re-enchant the world that surrounds me, a world that all too often leaves me at a loss for words.
During my residency at Prima Ink, I will be working on a series of lithographs and artist books printed on pages from pharmaceutical compendiums and medical textbooks found in the studio. I will also be working on a video project with Stéphane Gilot. This experimental video will follow a performance which began in an installation Stéphane produced in Havana, Cuba, to the waterfront and forest of Håkøy, Norway. 

Stéphane Gilot
Montréal, Québec, Canada

 On drawing and the residency project at Prima Ink.
Intimately linked to my architectural and performative installations, the practice of drawing (including cut-outs, collage, watercolor) allows me to assess various options for each project from preparatory sketches to final construction plans. The watercolor drawings also allow me to develop other thematic areas related to phenomena of vision (hallucinations, altered states of consciousness, dreams, urban expectations, etc.) or to theories or obsolete techniques (optogramme, spirit photography, for example), as well as mnemonic reconstructions (memory, déjà vu).
During a one-month residency at Prima Ink, I will work on a series of lithographs and watercolor, hybrid images combining views of the surrounding landscape with interior views of libraries and architectural spaces. During my time in Tromsø, I will also be working on a video project with Caroline Boileau. This experimental video will follow a performer (Boileau) in different spaces, from an installation I produced in Havana, Cuba to the waterfront and forest of Håkøy, Norway.