Jun 4, 2018

Artists in residence May 2018

What a month!

We had two very energetic artists at Kysten and Prima Ink. Heloïse Audy and Lena Gudd. They both have different backgrounds in art and, none of them had much experience with printmaking. They embraced the printmaking and took it to a new level. Three dimensional printmaking, mixed media and, a whole different way of thinking around printmaking. Very interesting and inspiring!

Although the two artists are very different, they had a very good cooperation. They interchanged ideas and discussed their research.

At the end of the month we had a vernissage where they showed their work in progress and their research. We even had an article in the local press. In Norwegian: Click here.

For more information about the two artists and their work: Please visit their websites.
Lena:  tumuult.com
Heloïse: heloiseaudy.com

Thanks to Vidar Dons Lindrupsen for the photos.